Corinne COPPOLA: Cannabis Addiction? Overcoming drug dependence with hypnosis Gulf of Saint Tropez and remotely Var 83 and France
Hypnosis against drug addiction Saint Tropez | Corinne COPPOLA
Hypnosis is an effective solution to overcome this addiction that is cannabis.
The hypnotherapist will suggest to the unconscious to reprogram new behavior change mechanisms. It will suggest to your unconscious the idea of adopting new habits and skills that are more consistent, healthier and more serene.
Therapeutic hypnosis is considered very effective in reducing or even eliminating these destructive behaviors. It allows you to modify the schema that no longer corresponds or not. Due to its approach and techniques of suggestions and associations of appropriate ideas that the practitioner in hypnosis will encourage the unconscious to inaugurate other "suggestive and positive" ways so that the individual can maintain his objective: to wean himself and free himself from cannabis).
The number of hypnosis sessions to fight Cannabis and other addictions varies of somebody to another, but in less than 10 sessions ONLY! the results are surprising. Multidisciplinary support can be offered in case of resistance.
Therapeutic hypnosis to overcome addictions (alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and other drugs) is great because it quickly allows you to free yourself from them.
Cannabis addiction: Cannabis use often begins around adolescence" the greatest drug consumption is in the 15-30 age group" Regular cannabis use often leads to increased dependence or even addiction to other types of drugs. The consumption of cannabis often leads to a behavior of moderate euphoria followed by a feeling of well-being then a state of drowsiness sets in and tends towards a weakening of concentration and memorization. Attention problems increase.
Depending on the degree of dependence "number of daily or regular intakes" cannabis causes a decrease in physical and mental abilities "decreased memory and learning capacity as well as that of vision, loss of vigilance and weakening of reflexes and reaction time in daily tasks, not to mention coordination disorders which increase the risk of driving accidents. Cannabis increases the effects of alcohol.
Cannabis and regular consumption can cause the person to lose interest in usual activities such as (getting up to go to school, high school, work resulting in school failure and or social isolation), accentuate physical and intellectual fatigue resulting in losses concentration and memorization not to mention the change of mood. Alert yourself to these significant signs of cannabis addiction and others...
The consumption of cannabis and other drugs induces psychiatric disorders such as: severe anxiety disorders, anxieties, panics, phobias, obsessive ideas, delusions, paranoia, sadness, stress...
Cannabis can be aggravating for some people, such as manifesting schizophrenia.
Any addiction should be taken seriously and dealt with on a case-by-case basis.

Hypnosis to Stop Cannabis Addiction
gulf of saint tropez var 83
It is possible to quickly break free from addiction through hypnosis.
3 steps to reach your goal
Usually an Ericksonian hypnosis session to overcome addictions lasts between 1h and 1h15.
During the first hypnosis appointment, we spend time clearly defining your goal and how to achieve it.
The number of sessions is then programmed and varies from person to person. Everyone is different when it comes to addiction and withdrawal. The practitioner adapts the sessions.
Conduct of a hypnosis session
gulf of saint tropez var 83

Step 1
Define your objective "diagnosis, anamnesis"
The first step of the hypnosis session is devoted to defining your objective and to seeing together what are the means of achieving it ' number of sessions and their frequencies " it sometimes happens that this first session is devoted to this stage called conversational hypnosis ".
2nd step
hypnosis and Hypnotic Trance
The purpose of this phase is to accompany you in hypnosis and use the most appropriate technique for your objective of the day (gradual or total weaning).
There are different techniques to bring a person into hypnotic trans, a first test is performed.
I lift the first brakes and explain to you how you are conduct the hypnosis session and what posture to adapt.
Step 3
Work of Therapeutic Hypnosis
When you are in a state of hypnosis , I accompany you in order to shed light on all positive and constructive resources allowing you to reach your goal.
You are living an intense experience and moment, generator of learning and new changes.
The objective of the experienced practitioner being to bring you gradually to the final result and linked to your objective.
Once the hypnosis session is over, I invite you to return to your normal state of consciousness and resume your activities.
A n point on each hypnosis session is carried out.
Regular evaluation of results
Each completed hypnosis session, we evaluate the withdrawal results of previous sessions and future goals. Knowing that the work continues to infuse after the hypnosis session and in the days and weeks that follow.
The evaluation of the results are defined together in order to optimize the effectiveness of the work of hypnosis against addictions. The therapeutic work carried out together aims to concrete result . However, due to the resistance or degree of dependence, it sometimes happens that the results are not as fast and as high as the person's expectations.
It will then be necessary to consider a multidisciplinary approach which will be complementary to the addiction hypnosis sessions.