Hypnosis for Children and Teenagers Gulf of Saint Tropez | Corinne COPPOLA
Hypnosis for Children and Teenagers Gulf of Saint Tropez | Corinne COPPOLA
Phone Addict / Social Media Questions ?
If the phone and social networks connect children and teenagers between them, they also lead to an increasingly common risk factor such as: isolation and psychological suffering "such as bullying".
Most social networks known to their generation and to which they have access" or not if not parental control" manage to make them hyper dependent hence the danger !!!
Recent polls and INSEE surveys show that the average time spent on screens and social networks exceeds around 3 hours per day more than 5 hours a day on weekends! invasive and addictive practice.
The child, the teenager no longer shows interest in the outside world "physical and intellectual activity slowed down" he becomes sedentary and his lifestyle deteriorates.
Depression in adolescents caused by networks
90% of teenagers are internet users and have at least one social media account. This over- consumption of time using this type of practice can be dangerous because a relationship of addiction to networking tends to increase and leads to psychopathological disorders , including the state of depression or even depression in the medium, long term..
The phenomenon of belonging to a group is vital.
Exclusion from a group generates frustration, injustice, shame, anger and develops anxiety disorders " insomnia "Social networking sites accelerate the risk of addiction, warning signs can then appear such as:
The teenager spends more and more time hanging on his smartphone and to use social networks, In an unstable mood, He is less and less in contact with external relations and his school results are in decline, he speaks little or no more at the table and avoids meals.
School dropout and behavioral problems? "Addicted to tablets, telephones, TV, social networks? etc..."
Childhood and Adolescence Hypnosis
gulf of saint tropez var 83
Addicted to screens? to networks?
The break is necessary! Hi hypnosis.
React immediately by making an appointment with your general practitioner or see hypnotherapist, psychologist or psychiatrist specialized with children / teenagers. " A help reassuring which will help you adopt the right attitudes "A parent/child/teen alliance is vital.
Hypnosis for teens and children is a considerable help because it provides concrete solutions and tools to solve by themselves THEIR SCHOOLING PROBLEMS and associated behaviors. Thus they become aware of the reality of their fiction and will foster new learning and attitudes faced with their "smartphone and social media" addiction.
Children / teenagers who have difficulties learning "concentration and memorization" may feel shame and alter their self-confidence. Those reasons may favor school failure precede depression. The look of the others , social devaluation and difficulties of understanding within the family accentuate the malaise.
Childhood / Adolescence Hypnosis
"The difficulties of the child / adolescent are expressed by symptoms and behaviors such as: "anxiety, depression, anger, low self-esteem, ...) and / or
by attitudes misunderstood such as "aggressiveness, or inhibition, drugs, addiction to video/telephone games, followed by loss of interest and general motivation which can lead to" isolation and dropping out of school), an ever-changing societal phenomenon .
hypnosis is then highly appreciated by this type of profile, because it helps the subject's unconscious to work with their imagination and dissociate fiction from reality . Thus from session to session they reconnect with their own resources, more creative and gradually come out of their isolation . Role-playing games are offered through their hypnosis sessions, the child / teenager easily appropriates this playful and interactive approach.

How will act hypnosis and on what causes?
Hypnosis is a multifactorial solution and acts on the root causes diagnosed in first intention "1st appointment" so from session to session, the child, the adolescent learns to better manage his emotions related to stress and to Anxiety ( main application of hypnosis).
All difficult situations (family and school) are addressed in hypnosis sessions and the subject learns to neutralize all the negative reactions aroused by the simple thought of the problems encountered in his world. A work with the unconscious him will allow you to quickly and easily distinguish between fiction and reality and activate new, healthier and more serene automatisms . Self-image and confidence will resume their places and thus help the subject to focus again on his objectives "of studies, training and others etc..." thus he will regain control of his life and his emotions , "anger, frustration etc...";
Learning Disabilities and Hypnosis
Therapeutic hypnosis is recognized as an effective solution to treat this type of disorder, and many medical professionals today recommend this simple, easy and even fun approach.
the information gathering process related to learning, is stored in the subject's unconscious mind so that they are "can be" retrieved again. Thus, the conditioned mind may be able to retrieve this information.
T he teenagers, in their majority, are open to new experiences , but do not always have the necessary motivation to change. Any interest in this type of symptoms or motivation leaves something to be desired Hypnosis for concentration and learning disorders is very effective, because it uses all the conscious and unconscious resources that you already have within you" or even those you didn't know" so you can discover the submerged part from the "unconscious" iceberg to emerge with the conscious.
Therapeutic Alliance with the Hypnotherapist
is essential , because it allows to exchange with sincerity on the veracity of information, thus through mutual trust, everything is built and decided. The decisions taken together make it possible to clearly define the objective of the hypnosis session and the desired changes.
Conduct of a childhood hypnosis session - teenagers
A hypnosis session lasts an average of one hour.
After the first interview with the child, the teenager "accompanied by the parent or not", the hypnotist determines the objective of the session "priority determined during the 1st appointment" the most appropriate technique is proposed.
In a second time, the hypnotherapist will rely on a story with metaphors, anecdotes, see suggestions of images or virtual situations to bring the child, the teenager to relax and accept the idea of the desired change and the sensations that this provides. Hypnosis is based on emotions and feelings and all this at the level of the mind which remains conscious throughout the session. The modified state of consciousness (emc), precedes it, the work phase (hypnotic suggestions) and remains in line with the desired expectations of the person.

Hypnosis and its Results - How many sessions?
The number of hypnosis sessions and the duration of its treatment varies according to the problems encountered. Each symptom is managed one by one and according to the personality of the child, adolescent. Each problem encountered will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. The rhythm of the child, adolescent is to be respected and if for some a few sessions are enough, for others the journey is sometimes longer. Multidisciplinary support with other professionals can then be advised.
Awake! Motivated
Through hypnosis.