Hypnosis Lose Weight Saint Tropez | Corinne COPPOLA
Hypnosis Lose Weight Weight Loss Eating Disorders Sugar Addiction Saint Tropez Corinne COPPOLA bulimia, anorexia, sweets, sodas etc... Beyond the weight problem, health complications can be diagnosed.
Hypnosis Lose Weight Saint Tropez | Corinne COPPOLA
Manage eating disorders and lose weight with hypnosis
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What is an eating disorder?
the eating disorder causes suffering because we do not always understand the causes. It's not just because you restrict your diet or consider eating too much. or snacking when you have to manage an emotion "bored, stress, sadness etc..." or rushing on sugar, chocolate "These are sometimes real discomforts who express themselves in these ways and often associate with each other. Findings: deficiencies, malaise and health problems.
What types of eating disorders?
Different eating disorders , in definition are: disturbances related to behavior with harmful repercussions on health both physically and psychologically. There are 3 of TCA:
Anorexia This obsession with wanting to lose more and more weight and restrict food intake which is increasing permanently. A distortion of the perception of one's silhouette (dysmorphophobia) giving a feeling of being fat even when one is thin. Unfortunately, the person affected by this disease does not feel in danger.
Bulimia It is characterized by the repetition of uncontrollable impulses "to throw themselves on food in large quantities. The person undergoes these crises and feels guilty "negative self-image" loss of weight control followed by different means to lose them, a vicious circle "vomiting, laxative, intense physical activity or repeated fasting". These attitudes must be taken care of quickly in order to avoid complications. serious for health.
Binge eating disorder explained by bouts of binge eating without trying to control weight. this has consequences on weight gain and self-image that is poorly accepted and harmful to health.
Recognize an eating disorder, how?
One eating disorder is very difficult to recognize. It can often be harmless, just a diet encouraged by those around you who see it as a step towards well-being and little by little, the obsessive desire to lose weight and stay slim sets in and then the food restrictions become anchored and become draconian. Anorexia sets in little by little: Examples of alarming signs:
Excess weight loss
Intensive practice of physical exercises
Avoidance of meals at the table and in society
Rejection of certain "fatty foods, sauces, etc."
Constant weight and food control
Isolation and withdrawal "feels misunderstood"
Degradation of the gaze on body image: "feeling of ugliness, of being fat..."
In general, there is little or no weight loss in disorders of bulimia and binge eating as this is mostly related to a poor self-image. The origin of this behavior is often concealed but signs can alert you:
Significant weight variations "yoyo phenomenon"
The craze for salty, sweet and fatty foods
Repeated vomiting, stomach aches
Rushing to the toilet after meals
Obsession with physical appearance and weight
Sorting food on the plate and stress at the table
Sadness and self-loathing
Isolation, Anxiety, Anxiety, Nausea, Fears
How Hypnosis Can Help You Cope eating disorders?
The hypnotherapist intervenes on the unconscious and helps the person to find the cause of his food impulses "anorexia, bulimia or any other tca". A diagnosis is then established and the appropriate sessions can begin.
Concerning eating disorder , the hypnotherapist will look for the origin and identify the causes "all the interest of the work". It often happens that in people, their TCA problem emerges from their complicated family environment, the idea being not to change the environment, but the perception of one's image "self with oneself" work on the image of oneself and the resulting emotions. A work of substance and form.
Identifying the causes of the symptoms is the essential basis of the work of TCAs. Image, Emotions, Reactions then comes the how to...
the goal of therapy is to lead the person to have another perception of food and its real usefulness. Modify the perception of eating and abolish the obsession.
Compulsive eating disorders are harmful to health "bulimia, anorexia, excess of sweets, sodas etc... Weight problems and more severe complications can be diagnosed.
Hypnosis eating disorders helps identify the causes of behavioral disorders and discuss
the need for pleasure. Thus, hypnosis activates new natural mechanisms of healthier adapted substitutions.
A multidisciplinary approach with nutrition professionals is sometimes necessary for greater efficiency.
Stop sugar and snacking thanks to hypnosis!
Find a balance food thanks to hypnosis, to be better in your body

Addicted to sugar and snacking?
hypnosis for weight loss requires comprehensive care, multidisciplinary support
can be advised. Would you fill the void that fears, sadness, lack of self-confidence etc. cannot be filled? What if this explained your ED?
Emotions are subject to this type of disturbances.

Virtual or hypnotic gastric band
If the food intake is considered too high during meals, if you have lost the feeling of satiety, the installation of the virtual gastric band is an indication to lure your unconscious in order to install a feeling of shrinkage of the gastric volume in all safety.
Integrated within the overall management of weight problems, together with work on your relationship to food and on compulsions, the hypnotic gastric band can restore momentum in the context of the management of weight disorders. eating behavior.
It is not a diet but a regulation of the quantity ingested.
A lighter life!
Through hypnosis
A weight loss hypnosis session
Hypnosis in case of TCA is open to anyone wishing to manage their disorders and even see weight loss.
The first session lasts 1h30", Because I am taking an anamnesis. (patient diagnosis) conversational exchange to find the causes of the problem then adapt the necessary sessions.
This first diagnostic step allows the patient to understand the reasons for his troubles and then comes the session devoted to hypnosis. " work begins . 1st stage, We lift the first brakes

1/ Relaxation stage (hypnotic -trans induction ) awake sleep (light or deep) identical to a nap, you relax while I begin to lift the first brakes (dissociate the conscious and the unconscious)
2/ Emc modified state of consciousness, integrate new behaviors food more balanced and new learning stimulated at the level of the unconscious thanks to the hypnotic suggestions adapted to the objective of this hypnosis session.
Each hypnosis session is adapted according to the evolution of each (one) of the patients
The number of sessions varies according to the problems encountered during the diagnosis.